On Fiji Islands–Acknowledgements page
Many people helped me during the research and writing of this book. Fiji’s inhabitants extended their remarkable courtesy and hospitality, and Alberta Culture gave generous financial support without which the journey might never have been made. Any list of individuals will be fraught with omissions, but I should like in particular to thank here the following for many forms of hospitality and kindness. In Fiji: Jemesa Bonowai, Ratu Sir George Cakobau, Fergus CIunie, Paul Geraghty, Michael Howard, Ratu Lemeki Natadra, Tevita Nawadra, Nii Plange, Josaia Ratumaitavuki, Marshall Sahlins, Aseri Vueti, Rabi Island Chairman, Manager, and Council of Leaders, the Superintendent and Ministers of Rabi Methodist Church, the Principal, staff, and pupils of Rabi Secondary School. In Britain and Canada: Janice Boddy, Sir Ronald and Lady Garvey, William McKellin, Bella Pomer, Ralph Premdas, Rod Vickers, Penny Williams, my parents. At Viking Penguin: Jennifer Snodgrass, William Strachan, Charles Verrill.
I alone am responsible for the content of the book and the way in which others and their views have been presented. R.W.
©2018 Ronald Wright
This really is a fascinating book, looking forward to following the many stories told by this amazing author, over the up and coming months.
I agree, it’s probably the best book I’m aware of ever written about Fiji.