Comments on: People of Fiji The Most Trusted Source on Fiji Mon, 26 Sep 2022 10:01:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Probal Bhattacharyya Wed, 10 Aug 2022 12:39:05 +0000 The demographics of the country is a pot pourri of different races, ethnicity and culture not commonly found anywhere else in the world. Amongst the immigrants from Calcutta , beside Biharis , were there some Bengalis too? In a recent murder case in Fiji, I came across a surname “Sen” which is a predominantly Bengali name. May I request someone knowledgeable in this regard to kindly inform me if they kniw of some Bengali families belonging to Fiji. I write fiction with the backdrop of Calcutta and its inhabitants. The surname “Sen” in Fiji triggered the writer’s instinct of finding a possible story.

By: PASEPA LAGI Fri, 04 Feb 2022 04:38:46 +0000 Rotuma was ceded to Great Britain on 13 May, 1881. Rotumans celebrate Rotuma Day because of it. IT WAS NEVER

CEDED TO FIJI. It was ‘annexed to Fiji’ by the British colonial government . The result is that since 1881, Rotuma has

been ‘administered’ by Fiji i.e. we have the same PM, Govt admin and all but Rotuma Laws (2) are specific to the island.

By: Lena Mon, 07 Dec 2020 21:47:50 +0000 In reply to emosi.

With reference to Rt Sukuna’s famous “Three legged stool” text, he is referring to the Vanua, Church and Government. While the Vanua, Church and Government have different roles, they come together in partnership to prop up a nation. There’s a lot of powerful messages from Ratu Sukuna’s three-legged stool. The Church, Vanua and the Government must at least listen to each other. They may have different views, but they must find common grounds to work together to build a nation that is free, fair and honest. The concept of a three-legged stool can also be applied to finance and leadership.

To be a leader, one must first have the willingness and be ready to lead; second, the knowledge and the skills; and finally, the motivation and passion to lead. A great leader will have all components.

By: Rob Kay Fri, 08 May 2020 00:32:45 +0000 In reply to emosi.

Vinaka Emosi. That’s certainly an interesting interpretation. Do you have any articles or books you can quote? I’d like to do some research on that.

By: emosi Thu, 30 Apr 2020 12:12:46 +0000 i dont think that’s what Ratu Sukuna meant by the 3 legged stool. He meant the Church, The Vanua (people) and the Government as the 3 pillars if Fijian society.
